• Boost Your Immune System Naturally

    Strengthen the Immune System: Boost Your Immune System

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  • How to Strengthen your Immune System

    Do you want to strengthen your immune system so that your body can better resist unwanted viruses and bacteria?

    broken image

    Meet the writer - Sisi Han

    Regardless of the season, whether you feel really good or feel the flu coming:


    you can improve your immune system at all times!



    In this blog post, you can read how you can get started with this.

    Some tips seem obvious, but when you pay attention to them, there are often times when we do our body and our mind.


    Every day is a new chance to be more aware of this.

    As if you discovered your body for the first time. Have fun reading!


    The Immune System; what is that exactly?


    The immune system is a function that protects our body against intruders. It is your protection against bad cells from outside or body cells that take other forms.


    In this way we defend ourselves against viruses, parasites, harmful fungi and bacteria. Our own cells (for example the white blood cells and T cells) and molecules work together.


    The immune system is also committed to cleaning up waste and, for example, cancer cells (harmful cells). This takes place in the blood and in the lymph fluid, among other things.

    In addition, your body has various mucus layers that protect you. This is expressed by coughing, sneezing and vomiting. Tears and urine are also means to remove waste from the body.


    Part of the system is congenital, and part will develop during your life. For example, you get sick quickly in a country like India, but you can build up resistance to it if you live there.


    It is possible that the immune system is disturbed and no longer works properly, such as with a disease such as AIDS


    It is also possible that the immune system becomes overactive and attacks the body's own cells. For example with an autoimmune disease such as type 1 diabetes, rheumatism or MS, but also after transplant surgery. This can have a devastating effect on the body.


    It's a complicated story, that immune system. But precisely because we are blessed with such a brilliant system, it is important that we support this. You can my blog post, how you can contribute to this in your daily life.

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